Job Generation went live last week and it resulted in this amazing report on NY!

Our experience with the first live event is that executives realize the need to reinvent themselves. This is an ideal forum to make a case for their expertise in public where they can display how they think on their feet.
Start-Ups are less certain. As we discovered, many Start-Ups are leery about reaching out to veteran execs. Part of being a Start-Up is doing your own thing - until you need to raise money or just grow the business. That's where the savvy set kicks in.
In return for getting great advice and chance to acquire talent, the Start-Ups get to tell their story to the business community which increases their chances of raising capital and building their businesses. The sooner we get the message out the quicker we generate opportunity.
Investors, were also an interesting case study. The objective of JG is to find the exec and start -Up combination that offers the best increase in value. Of the executives they picked for working together, the VCs tended to go with the most thoughtful and analytical while being averse to the more outgoing and sales-y. Are the VCs right? Or do they just prefer the studious type on a personal level, perhaps viewing them as more "coachable".
Come to the next Job Generation and you be the judge.
Thanks to the feedback, we've figured out how to tweak this model so it will really crackle with creative tension - we'll be doing several more events as iEvenings, at Business Schools and in other cities.