Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dec. iBreakfast Report - Wealth in Widgets

Michael Chin, KickApps
Chris Damsen, Netvibes
Chris Kobran, Clearspring

"Snaggable" is the big word in Widgets according to Chris Kobran of Clearspring which is a Widget distribution network. By creating a useful mini-site, people will upload them to their own sites or portals and h client stays alive in the eyes of its consumers. The classic widgets are weatherbugs, clocks alerts, traffic cams or anything that someone finds useful on a regular basis. Contests, updates and so on are another useful application.

KickApps Michael Chin talked about widgets displacing banner ads as the principal ad format of the internet. Is company builds wedgets as sponsored ad units for clients.

Chris Damsen from Netvibes showed the widget-driven portal for users - with the online world of social media and blogs, the focus is on providing useful ad-driven products that users will hopefully festoon on their home pages.

Bloggers School Report from the Widget iBreakfast

Video from the Widget iBreakfast

1 comment:

Carolina Frederico said...

Thanks for the post, Alan!

We would like to invite you to our new There is a post about the interview we did where you are talking about the history of the iBreakfast and Social Media.