Power 20
Arshad Chowdhury
Power20 is an exercise app for pregnant women that has over 1 million downloads.
The Finalists were:
Kejia Tang CEO kejia.tang@appfriends.me 413-884-4654
AppFriends.me is a plug in social layer for mobile apps. We utilize real time messaging and activity feeds to drive user engagement and stickiness inside of apps.
Pulse 24/7 Mobile Ap
Andy Jacques CEO Reaz@pulse247.net 6172764523PULSE 24/7 is a mobile app and web based platform that disrupts the way freelancers and small businesses automate their marketing efforts !
SharkStopper, Inc.
Brian Wynne CEO Bwynne@SharkStopper.com 6318307934
The World's First and Only Acoustic Shark Repellent. Our first product, the Personal Shark Repellent

John Ortega + Kamron Hinatsu CEO of Vidpal john@vidpal.net 3477669318
VidPal allows the average person with a mobile phone or video camera to view and film different destinations. In Vidpal's real-time global video marketplace, individuals can find or request the video they only ever imagined. http://vidpal.co
Special Mention
MedifVU, LLC
Eileen Morrissey CEO eileen.morrissey@medifvu.com 973-570-4784
Our Digital Health App is personalized google for selecting medicines for a consumer choosing Over the Counter or with a doctor choosing Rx. It's a predictor of buying behavior for product advertisers and manufacturers.
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