Imagining what might happen if Entrepreneurs were in charge of those friendly folks in blue outfits.
The real joke is that the Post Office itself was fired by the Internet.
So what if the Post Office had embraced it - becoming the servant of the Internet instead of its victim?
Naturally, they argue their $15bn annual losses and the disappearance Saturday deliveries have little to do with the Internet. It is Congress' fault for hobbling them with a $5 billion annual pension prepay.
Yet, if they had embraced the
Internet, their customers might actually have cared enough to go after Congress on their behalf.
That’s what Social Media does
for you, Mr. Postmaster - a public that cares could organize itself so that Congress would have remove the mandate or get voted of office. But why should we care that much?
So let’s imagine for a minute
that the Post Office wasn’t a quasi-government institution with Federal
powers, huge real estate holdings that also works as a public service,
protected job reservoir and piggy bank for Congress.

I'll start with funny since that often produces the best ideas. (And please - I
welcome your suggestions!)
They could do what the MTA did and put a Starbucks in every
Post Office so that customers could enjoy a Mail Latte. (Bad pun - but improving performance through universal mail tracking would be a good start.)
More importantly, they would
have made a lot of deals. They would have done what RPost does – certified
emails. That would soon spread to certified
documents and an entire business in maintaining and serving them. Think of the Post Office as Fort Knox of our valuable docs. (Since no one has reported actually seeing gold in Fort Knox lately, there may be room.)
Strategically, the Post Office threw their lot in with the kind of mail we really don’t want - Junk Mail - and turned their back on the stuff we do want – delivered stuff from the Internet.
They could also have been an enabler
of online bill paying even doing the the bill handing from the postal center. They could have even started their own junk-free email
service. A paid channel for email that guarantees authenticity so you don't have to worry if you a being phished.

Perhaps they could have turned each
Post Office into a local logistics center where relatively low cost area
business deliveries could take place. Anything from your local online purchases
– and returns – to prescriptions, dietary supplies, Newspapers, milk, artisinal
bread, your laundry and other essential or finer goods of life. Dropped off
first thing in the morning and delivered to you home by during the day. Or just
held at the PO.
If I were a politician - and this is the bigger issue - I
would see the Post Office for what it really is - a proxy for Government-backed
agencies in the Internet age. In other words, they are an index of how government can or cannot cope in this new age. If they don’t find a new model
for running it – it is not the Post Office that is going the way of the Dodo,
it’s the current 2 Party system that runs government that may be on the extinction
Both the Post Office and the political system are relics of the
Industrial Age where they served either big labor or big business.
So cutting back is really not a strategy – it will only spur more people to think of more alternatives to the Post
Office. Their real future lies in reinventing themselves.
So, what do you think they should
Back in the early days of the
Internet, when Yahoo was just taking off, a Start-Up made case for the end of
the Post Office as part of their pitch. It was one of the first arguments we saw for Internet disruption. At the time, Amazon hadn't made a dent in the Bookstore Business. Emails were still a trickle.
The Entrepreneur said the Post Office had billions tied up in
trucks, warehouses, sorting machines, deliverypeople and office clerks and all could be eliminate by email.
His company made an email server.
He was dead right but his timing was off by about 18 years. The Post Ofice didn’t stop – in some ways they grew because their early technology lead enabled vast amounts of junk mail. In other words, they figured out how to make a better buggy whip and sold more of them. They introduced tons of technology – sorting machines with with
artificiall intelligence but mostly better ways of mastering of junk mail, better bar, codes Zip Plus,
a national database of address.
But they were never willing to challenge their own function and invest where the business will be. In other words, they went with improvements and refused to disrupt themselves. So the internet did it for them.
So they went into a long decline.
But they have Federal powers they get free parking
anywhere, no tickets, no towing.
Worst case - they could license that right to really rich people. That would be illegal, of course, unless those people took a job with the Post Office. Hmmm.
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