When Marco Rubio made his
famous furtive dive for water, mid-speech during in the State of the Union
rebuttal, he ignited more comment than the speech itself.

To Republicans, this was just
a guy in need of a glass of water.
To everyone else, this was a
stunning moment of body language telling a story. It is not that he needed
water – that’s human enough. Or that he had to go mid-sentence to grab a gulp.
It was the furtive way he did it.
It looked as if he thought
that somehow, millions of people watching him wouldn’t notice if he left
midsentence to dive for the water.
So was he inexperienced
before the camera or was this him telling you that he believed he could hide
his true nature in plain site?
At the very least,
politicians are supposed to know how to hide their real dealings. What happens
if a politician thinks he can somehow turn invisible?
His Democratic rivals are probably thinking, “Imagine what does when no one is looking.”
Or are we reading too much
into this body drama?
Imagine if this were an funding pitch instead of a State of the Union rebuttal.
Would that have turned
off investors?
If he had an incredibly compelling pitch it might not have mattered….. anything less would have turned off
So what his rebuttal about,
1 comment:
I don't love the guy. Certainly not in love with the Republican Party anymore. But, Jeeze, can't we give Rubio a break? Yeah, he is new at this and yeah, some idiot didn't think a nano-second in advance to say Gee, network audience? Let's make sure he starts with some warm tea and have a glass of water in fingertip reach. I'm more embarassed about breaking it off on Rubio. To your other point, can't the Republican Party hire some decent speech writers? Maybe even two and pick the best speech? He's delivering the party line for God's sakes. I given him points for making it through his first "pitch" (if I had done better in my pitch, you might have had a different blog about Pixable and me after the sale - and remembered I was with Polaroid not those evil people at Kodak who stole Polaroid patents!!
By the way, it's worth mentioning that the REAL Polaroid is back and it is worth a trip to the Impossible Project Store at 425 Broadway to see what real story-telling can happen when you can capture an image, a moment, and pass around what you see and share on the spot with people you love. Yeah, I love digital, but I love what Polaroid brought to the human experience even more. I'm glad I was part of it (certainly far happier than if I had to deliver Marco Rubio's message with or without water!! Take care, Alan - hope to see you again soon - it's been too long.
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