Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Glitter in Twitter - iBreakfast Report

For all those fencesitters who wondered, "Why Twitter?" this iBreakfast gave them a reason to take the tweet. There is plenty of tweasure in Twitter (sowwy!) as long as you use it right and forget the early hype.

The early adopters made Twitter seem like a new way for the underemployed to twitter away time. But with StockTwits, investor and entrepreneur Howard Lindzon (ho founded and sold WallStrip) not only made a case for using this as a platform, but also offered a clue as to the career possibilities for thousands of free-range experts. He new ronin. The Wallstreeters that Madoff & Co. let loose.....

Stockpickers and analysts and can develop a following on StockStwits and build up a client base. The beauty of Twitter - and this is the key - is that it favors any business tha needs immediate, up-to-the second information. Stock trading is one really good example.

But there are plenty of others. David Pogue in the Times recently talked about how they use it to check the originality of an idea for the MacArthur grant committee meeting.

If you want to know whether the wine you are about to buy at a restaurant or the wineshop is the right year - then go to WineTwits. According to Steve Gilbert, founder and long time online wine-selling pioneer ( and he has generated over $15,000 in wine sales from his small but growing wine-lover following.

A great example of the virality of Twitter is the Shorty Awards developed almost as a lark (note the bird reference here!) by entrepreneur Greg Galant of Sawhorse Media. In a very short time they received ten's of thousands of submissions from all over the world and now they have a long list of people hoping to attend the award ceremonies.

Finally, if your company needs to put together a comprehensive short messaging plan then mCommoms offers a way to tie it all together. According to co-founder, Chris Muscarella, only 5% of Twitter traffic originates from cell phones (although the iPhone thwarts these numbers because it is seeen as a computer and not a phone) and so the management is complex and more web-oriented. In any case, as people understand the usefulness of mobile mass instant messaging the need will increase.

For additional reports read these blogs about the Twitter iBreakfast.

Flirting with Twitter - "Glitter in Twitter" iBreakfast « Press ...
The best advice of the the ibreakfast "Glitter in Twitter" session on 1/22/09 was that this is the last thing you want to "tweet."

Kevin Rose: 10 Ways To Increase Your Twitter Followers

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